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Tibor Heufemann

After obtaining his Bachelor of Law from the University of Geneva, Tibor obtained a Master of Law at the University of Neuchâtel specializing himself in Employment, Tenancy, Social Security and Immigration Law.

During his studies, he took every chance to develop his keen interest for foreign languages undertaking semesters in Zurich and Naples.

Having many fields of interests, Tibor worked in different areas. He has been a Football Trainer at SFCCF, a Stage Manager at the Conservatoire de musique de Genève and a Research Assistant at the Haute Ecole de travail social de Lausanne. He has also been a paralegal at the firm since 2021 and started his internship in 2023.


Mail : theufemann@oalegal.ch
Tél : +41 22 786 88 66
E-fax : communications@oalegal.ch
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/tibor-heufemann-165374b4/

Something you should know

Tibor has been playing football as a defender for 17 years. He will apply the same energy and dedication to finding solutions to your problems as he does to defending his teammates.


– Labour Law
– Social Security Law
– Criminal Law
– Contract Law
– Migration Law
– Family Law


University of Geneva (Bachelor of Law, CAS in Legal Professions)

University of Zurich (exchange student during Bachelor of Law)

University of Neuchâtel (Master of Law, Specialization in Social Law University Federico II of Naples (Exchange student during Master of Law


• French
• English
• Spanish
• Portuguese
• German
• Italian



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